Sonic 2 Review (Spoiler Free) A brilliant adaptation!

*This is a spoiler free review*

If adaptations were an Olympic sport, Sonic 2 looks to win the gold ring.

Tails the Fox is one of the exciting new additions to the film franchise!

In the same flashy manner as Knuckles arriving on Earth with the devious Dr. Eggman, the Sonic sequel sticks the landing. A cheer worthy sequel that pays immense homage to the video games it’s based on. Sonic 2 takes what worked well in the entry before, and triples the fun of it, while maintaining important arcs and moments between the characters. It improves on any inconsistencies the first film may have lacked, and puts a lot of focus on building the Sonic cinematic universe. Making sure it doesn’t focus too much on the human characters, the movie instead puts importance on Sonic’s growth; but also with his new friend and fan favourite, Tails the Fox. The film moves quickly to reintroduce Sonic and the ever so quirky Dr. Eggman, who is back to try and take the blue speedster down; but it doesn’t rush things whatsoever. Eggman Is given a fantastic portrayal by Jim Carrey, who has wonderful chemistry with Idris Elba as Knuckles, the Echidna. Every one of these characters was written with great care and it is the definition of passion project. The film is filled with cheer worthy moments (especially in the third act,) and the comedic relief feels very natural. With pop culture references that don’t feel forced, and a big handful of Easter eggs about the video game series. Fans of Sonic, of all ages, are sure to be pleased. The film delivers fan service with care, world building with attention, and just pure fun. The characters each have a personality that is spot on, and they all show growth in their own respective arcs. The pacing is incredibly smooth, there isn’t a dull moment that slips through the cracks. Sonic 2 is not only a brilliant adaptation for a beloved video game franchise. It is also a stand out sequel that shines brighter than the already well made film that came before it. Not only will fans of the Sonic property love this film; but even those unfamiliar with the property will have immense fun watching this. Sonic 2 is a passionate love letter to one of the most recognisable video game IPs to have ever been made.

Sonic 2 races past the competition with a movie that shows a deep love and appreciation for the characters and lore it’s adapted from. 9/10

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